The Music Shows

rocky topROCKY TOP MONDAY 9-10PM

On Monday nights Terry Earle Taylor takes you on a magical journey through time and space as his eccentric interests seep through the airwaves to educate you on the weirder side of musical entertainment.


Prepare to be rocked! Do you like your music with a little more riff than Rhianna? Would you rather have dinner with Axl Rose than Justin Bieber? RedShift can help! Join us for two straight hours of the hottest rock tracks old and new brought to you by enigmatic presenter Mark Brisbourne. 


RedShift Radio presents Mark Alexander to take you on a trip down memory lane, awaken your senses with some beautiful vocals and impress you with his in-depth knowledge of artists and poetry.

The 70's SelectionTHE 70'S SELECTION TUESDAY 9-10PM

Presented by Rob Pemberton, Cheshire's answer to Tony Blackburn, this nostalgia hour re-awakens fond memories of a decade of fantastic music from Bowie to Motown and more. Slap on a pair of platforms, frizz that barnet and lets party like its 1975!

Local, Live & LatestLOCAL, LIVE AND LATEST - MONDAY 10-12pm

Local, Live and Latest does what it says on the tin. A two hour show dedicated to local music, bands and musicians. Simon J. Newbury brings you the latest flavour and sound from the vibrant local music scene right here on RedShift. 
Send your MP3s (broadcast quality) to

Rough Guide To the 60'sROUGH GUIDE TO THE 60'S - SUNDAYS 6-8PM

Mark Hurley, the self proclaimed DJ to the stars, plays you every song ever released from January 1st 1960 to December 31st 1969. We're talking The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, Bob Dylan and more musical history gold than you can shake a multicoloured peace flag at. Groooovvy baby!

Killers Hip Hop


Killian 'Killer' Roche, the self proclaimed Irish Method Man, brings youStwo hours of the heaviest beats and rhymes from around the world. Whether you're a fiddy fan or an old skool beat boxer, there's something for all tastes; even Dr Gav is partial to a bit of Grand Master Flash! So put on some bling, grab yourself a 40 oz (?) and fight for your right to paaartaaay!